Thursday, April 16, 2015

Lucía (I and III)

Lucía I: Era of Independence (1895-1898)

In the Era of Independence we see a clear divide between classes. You have the Aristocracy (Lucía and Rafael) and you have the Poor (Fernandina). The aristocracy of this era were know to be wealthy and white. Greatly influenced during the time of "Progress" those in the aristocracy wore elaborate European-style clothing as well as fine jewelry such as pearls. For a woman of this class, she wouldn't dare leave the house without being completely dolled up. After all there was an image to uphold. It must have been MISERABLE! These women live in Mexico for Christ sakes. During the Summer it is far too hot to have on a petty coat, a lavish dress, as well as a hat. I do believe I would be sweating my face off and I would be extremely skinny. Along with the lavish clothing women of this stature almost always carried a parasol with them. Heaven forbid they have to endure the heat waves of the sun. It was common for women to stay at home and have sewing parties, quilting and making hammocks. Church also played a large role in the lives towns people. Anytime the doors were open you could expect to see people there, especially the women. Due to the war and other military related issues men are almost always absent from society. Yet when they were present they too dressed their best, wearing suits with pocket watches, top hats and carrying canes. Most of these people and their families lived in large homes with imported European or other expensive furniture. 

As we all know where there are wealthy individuals there too must be poor individuals. Changing the scenery from that of wealth to the lifestyle of Fernandina (mad woman in the streets) you see that she is extremely poor. Her clothing is made of old rag, she is filthy and in need of a bath. In contrast to the light atmosphere that was presented by the aristocracy, Fernandina's atmosphere is that of pure chaos. It is very violent and at times uncomfortable to watch. As she throws herself around the streets yelling and screaming "LONG LIVE SPAIN", it is quite disturbing. Strangely enough Fernandina tries to stop Lucía from going with Rafael. From her on history she knows it is going to end badly. Fernandina, once a nun, along with many other nuns went out into the battle fields to pray over the dying soldiers. The nuns were ambushed, taken advantage of, and raped by other soldiers. Some time later we see that soldiers coming into town also harass her. Theoretically speaking this may actually be why Fernandina is mad. 

Where is a gun when I need one. As the film progresses we see that Lucía is very melodramatic. Moods are up and down and up and down again. Get it together lady! Lucía's mother tells her she is too easily carried away by her mind full of fantasy, and because she is a good Christian this is only a trial from God It is apparent that Lucía is motivated by her love for Rafael, a Cuban Spaniard who isn't interested in the politics of the world. He just wants to be happy. He too loves Lucía and wants to marry her but she is reserved, although she knows Rafael makes her happy. When acquainting themselves, Lucía lies to Rafael about her brother Felipe's involvement in the war. She plays it off as though he too is avoiding the independence wars like Rafael. This developing relationship between Lucía and Rafael gets a little messy. She finds out that Rafael is married and has children in Spain. Furious she ends everything, only to realize that she doesn't want to live without him. So like a typical woman she takes him back only to be hurt again and left.

Without knowing Lucía becomes a traitor to Cuba. She leads Rafael to her father's coffee plantation, which is the location of her brother and the other independence supporters. This lead to a massive out break of violence and unfortunately Felipe is killed. We notice that the independence supporters are not alone. They are aided by Mambises, black independence fighters. Causing a complete change in Lucía's motivation she becomes more like her brother and is a better representative of the Cuban aristocracy/bourgeoisie. I believe her motives went from being fueled by love to being fueled by hate, rage, and revenge. She is one pissed off woman. Not only did she lose her brother as a result of her actions she also lost her love, Rafael. No worries Lucía is able to get the revenge she deserves and is no longer considered a traitor of Cuba. Hunting Rafael down in the town square she stabs him multiple times. Resulting in his death.

Despite how melodramatic this film was I really enjoyed it. Of course living in the era that I do and having an education on how to support myself, I would never wish to live in this time. Yes, the clothing is beautiful, but who is to say that I would be a fortunate one and be part of the aristocracy. This film is also very supportive of Cuban nationalism. In the reading we see that Solas doesn't show how women were actually a much larger part of the way. He mainly focused on "love" and in the end avenging the death of Felipe. He avoids venturing into the territory oh how many women fled their homes to avoid being sent to concentration camps or how there were also in field "battle nurses" for soldiers.

Lucía III: Communist Construction Era (1966-1970)

As the film begins it is obvious this is not anything like the previous film. Women working? Who ever heard such a thing.  We meet Lucía and see that she is a mix between and African American/Cuban, known as a "mulata". Lucía leaves her house and hops aboard a truck full of women. YAY!!! Women are far more independent and involved in the revolution. Working in the farms and helping their families as well. This idea still holds true for most women in the 21st Century. Catching my attention was the clothing. For hard working people there was no time or space for fancy European clothing. Grab your jeans and a t-shirt and off you go. The image of rural work is all over the place, which meant that this was a time of high agricultural development. Following right along with many traditions there were many parties with drinking and smoking cigars. I mean hello we are in Cuba! This is one of the first times that we are introduced to individuals who hold leadership roles that are of an African background. These individuals, Flavio and Angelina, happen to be the neighbors of Lucía lover Tomas. Pictured are homes of a very modest perspective, no sign of mansions here. During this era it was pressed upon that all peoples of Cuba have at least a basic education. For those needing assistance the government provided literacy teachers. 

It was time for Lucía to show the world that you can be motivated by work. Tomas and Lucía are married and he no longer allows for her to work, becoming a captive in her own home. With all the love for Tomas she tells him: "I have to work." "I have to serve for something." Finally, a woman who isn't afraid to stand up to a man! Now this is my type of movie. A woman empowering film! Overcoming her fear of leaving Tomas, Lucía finally leaves, returns to the far to work. But wait, here comes Tomas chasing after her demanding that she return home simply because she is his wife.

The director of this film wanted us to see the importance of work in communist Cuba. Those natives of Cuba didn't want any outside influence, as depicted when the tourists in the street are dancing. It showed how a class, rural workers, could come together and have bond together to accomplish a task. Flashback to our first Lucía, Tomas is stuck in that era. His character is very contradictory to this era. At the end we see a child laughing. Perhaps this is a message that maybe one day men and women will have the same train of thought and be able to work together. Overall this was a good movie. It showed the beginning of the "Literacy Campaign", which started in the 1960s. This was also know for the depiction of women's emancipation.

"The three Lucías seem more illustrative of the relationship between class and nation than of the rol of women in Cuban history. Indeed, one way in which this film can be read is a allegory, which each Lucía representing, not Cuban women, or even a particular Cuban woman, but the evolution of the Cuban nation toward a socialist society through the progression of social classes."

Viva Zapata!

Viva Zapata directed by Elia Kazan was aired in 1952, quite some time after the original plan to release the movie in 1938. There were many factors as to why the movie took so long to be completed. To the Mexicans Emiliano Zapata was a hero, therefore, it wouldn't be permissible to have any negative words towards Zapata. It was also looked down upon to have a movie that displayed all the bloodshed of the Mexican Revolution. MGM's studio manager Eddie Mannix said: "This bastard Zapata is a goddamn commie revolutionary." But with the help of John Steinbeck they were able to produce the film.

Set in the time of the Mexican Revolution, which began in 1910 and ended in 1920, it is clear to see that all the men for the most part dressed alike. Those who were farmers wore loose fitting clothes, usually white I believe based on the black and white picture. It is a commonality to see men in the fields wearing sombreros. The men of power, further up on the ladder, wore much more elaborate clothing. These men tended to parade around with military clothing as well, more than likely decorated to show their standing in the ranks. For the women the clothing is similar. Those of impoverished farm families didn't have nice clothing. It is seen to be basic, a step back from what was to be expected of Latin American women during the time of "Progress". Yet, we also see women that come from more affluent families that wear lace, have lavish hand fans, and well as many other privileges. Yet when it came to protecting what was rightfully theirs, areas of land, men and women fought side by side. It was common to see a woman with a gun defending herself against enemies who intended to overtake a town or village.

In each group of individuals there is always said to be one that is "outspoken", this is also true for Emiliano Zapata. He is a simple peasant who is also illiterate, but he comes to be the star of the show. We first meet him in the office of President Porfirio Días. Zapata along with his fellow farmers have come to complain of their lands being taken. "Advised" by Días to find their boundary stones, which can't be done without harm coming to those who trespass, Zapata speaks out. Think for a minute if you waltzed into the Oval Office and told President Obama that worthy of the presidency due to his lack of interest in his people. I would assume he would more than likely kick you out. This is just what Zapata did. President Días told the farmers to have patience for these matters take time, and it would be taken care of by the courts. Zapata asked President Díaz, "Do you know of any land suit that was won by country people?" In a very polite way he told Díaz to shove it where the sun doesn't shine, "We make our tortillas of corn, not patience." That to me is where to movie really begins.

Like every man, Zapata has a heart for one woman, Josefa. Ask her and she will tell you that of course she like Zapata, yet she doesn't want to live a life on the run and she want to marry a "rich" man. Typical woman. Always in it for the money and seeking no adventure in life. Josefa seems to be the only person who doesn't know what her admirer is knowledgeable about. We find out that Zapata is the best judge of horses in the area. He has picked horses for leaders to serves in governmental issues. Due to his incredible judge of horses, it is expected that he too have a horse of great quality. Although, we later see that he willingly gives it to a young boy as a reward. I'm not sure I would've so willingly given away the best horse I ever had.

After the fall of Díaz, Francisco Madero takes over. Here we begin to see a change in Zapata. We see that he is the leader of the initial rebellion and is so very easily brought to anger when seeing injustices. For a girl who dreams of a wedding all the time I was excited to see that after Zapata was appointed to General by Madero he is able to impress not only Josefa but her family as well. I would love to say they ran away and lived happily ever after, but that is far from the truth. Zapata only wants loyalty, therefore, he demands it! After becoming General he comes to realize that he doesn't want to be the "conscience" of all people. That is much too overwhelming for him. Reflecting back on the Zapata we are introduced to we can see that his value of land reform has changed slightly, but overall the remains true to reform.

Just like every group has a Zapata, there is also to be found in every group a Fernando Aguirre. The "bad" guy/girl. Aguirre is the totalitarian of the social revolution. He is driven by power! POWER! POWER! POWER! He is said to be ideologically adrift. Aguirre has no home, land, love, family, woman, etc. He goes from one leader to the next, always seeking recognition and power. He is a initial supporter of Francisco Maderno but soon begins to support Zapata. He say: "Unless you consolidate your victory now and rule with a hand of iron, all this will have been for nothing." Aguirre is in a roundabout way saying now is the time to take over and conquer the world. Okay, maybe I stretched that a little bit but essentially that is what he wants!

By the end of the film we see that through all the struggles Zapata has changed. He believed that because of his rank those people's need, his people, were of no great importance. We see a similar version of the first scene at the end of the film. Only it isn't Días who is in charge. It is our one and only Emiliano Zapata. Men, farmers, from his village come to tell him about the complaint they have on his brother, Eufemio Zapata. Land had just been distributed to all those living in the area, but due to his ranking of General Eufemio took it upon himself to take back the land and live in the house. Over the course of the film you see that the brothers are always together, although their priorities aren't always aligned with each other. This is to me the best part of the movie! We begin to see the true colors shine through. Here Zapata is faced with a young man, much like he was during Díaz'a presidency, who talks back and tells him that the men of the village cannot wait. There has to be a solution to Eufemio's madness. Much like Díaz, Zapata too circles the name of the man, Hernadez! Also, keep in mind Eufemio is quite often seen with some sort of alcohol. WARNING: MAY CAUSE SEVERE LACK OF JUDGEMENT. At this time we also see the raw character of our totalitarian Aguirre. Once in the back office Zapata point blank tells Aguirre that he isn't concerned with what he is going to do next. For he is so easily predictable. Zapata knows that now Aguirre will go off and find the next man who hold an office of power and he will slither in like a snake. (POWER!)

Confronting Eufemio was not an easy task for Zapata it appears. After all it is his brother who was there every step of the way and fought every minute Zapata did. It is a clear depiction that power and authority can change anyone. Zapata wasn't going to stand for it anymore, therefore, he kicked his brother out. Remember how I spoke of priorities, this is a very clear example. Emiliano wanted peace to come back to the land, but Eufemio was only worried about his booze and a woman, which happened to be one of his friend's wives. Emiliano Zapata gave great advise to the men who lived on this land. He informed them that if they planned to keep the land they would have to defend it with their lives. Zapata also stated; "There are no strong men without faults..." and "The strong people is the only lasting strength."
You can't kill an idea. Zapata became a hero and is believed to be out there still living in the mountains keeping watch other his people and their lands.

In conclusion it was a great movie. Elia Kazan did an amazing job capturing the ambience of Zapatismo. Kazan presented the film which was an incoherent connotation to American-style democracy/anti-Soviet ideas, but the film still went over successfully with the rebellious and discontent people. It "wrestles in an interesting and provocative way with the contradictions and the conservatism of the rebellion." 

Walt Disney's: The Three Caballeros

The Three Caballeros was aired in 1944. If you noticed it is in COLOR! This was a big deal in the 1940s. Disney picked a great time to introduce this film in the United States. During the late 1930s and early 1940s FDR took advantage of improved relations to advance hemispheric security arrangements in successive Pan-American conferences. This would later be known as the "Good Neighbor Policy."

We can also look at what came before the making of this film to help establish why it has such an impact. Latin America from 1850-1910 was in a stage of "Progress". What is progress exactly? To sum it up in one word it is INDUSTRIALIZATION! This is the time when factories, movement to urban areas, and steam powered transportation began to rise. During this time members of the Democratic Party (liberals) were highly interested in European business. They wanted to plug into world market. Technological innovations began to occur such as; railroads, steamships, cable cars, electric lighting and telegraphs. All of which was embraced and promoted by liberals, who advocated free trade and embracing world market. During the stage of "Progress" we are also introduced to the idea of "Neocolonialism", which occurred between 1880-1930. Chasteen defines "Neocolonalism" as a powerful and very pervasive foreign influence. "Because of high capital requirements, installations such as refineries for Cuban sugar, oil wells pumping Mexican and Venezuelan crude, and deep-shaft mines in the high Andes were usually foreign owned." (Chasteen 188) By this time 90% of Latin American wealth came from what was sold (exported) to European and U.S. markets. The wealthy Latin Americans traveled to Europe, bought imports, and above all valued EUROPEANESS.

Feliz cumpleaños Donald!!! Abre los regalos muy rapido!
For fellow Disney lovers you will know who Donald Duck is, but what about his fellow amigos? Watching the trailer you see that Panchito, the Mexican rooster, is all over the place. Not to mention his love of guns. POW! POW! There is also José Carioca, the Brazilian parrot. Together you have The Three Caballeros! Time to open presents and get on with it. By the way I would love to have a box show up that contained all the wonderful gifts Donald received. Now, it is time for our adventure. There are many messages in this film. When we encounter The cold-blooded penguin we see that he is always trying to get away from his natural habitat, yet once completing this task he realizes he misses home. Well you can't have your cake and eat it too. The Flying Gauchito is quite entertaining! You see a young boy, guacho, High in the mountains is where we first meet our young guacho. He is hunting wild ostrich and condor when he sees the rare "flying gauchito". With the help of a bolas he is able to catch a flying gauchito. The young guacho enters a race for reward money, only his competition is not aware of the trick up his sleeve. Everyone loves to see the underdog win, or at least I do. 
Bienvenida a Bahia!
Although I love Disney films, I was not impressed by the way women are depicted in this film. We (women) were overtly sexual and objectified, which was directly reflected from Donald's actions. His obsession with Latin American women was just too much. Donald's behavior promotes the ideas of machismo, yet he is from the US. You would think that Panchito or José Carioca would have more of a machismo behavior. Then again they both are around beautiful women all the time. To me this is a way to show that even in those days men were still unable to respect women and treat them as more than just a pretty face on the street.

I believe this film was produced to promote travel between the U.S. and Latin America. If it were up to me I would be packing a bag right now and then off to the airport I go. Latin America is portrayed as a very lively culture, as if it is one big party all the time. As depicted in the adventure to Bahia, also known as the land of romance, there is music over lush landscape backgrounds, beautiful colors, a tropical paradise. It is highly exotic! Who wouldn't want to go to Bahia? The scene on the beach shows how women loved European style. Their bathing suits were much like those in fashion in Europe! Also, very figure flattering and just down right adorable.

I give the film ten thumbs up, but then again I'm a sucker for Disney movies!

1492: Conquest of Paradise

1492: Conquest of Paradise directed by Ridley Scott was released in 1992, which so happened to be the 500th Birthday of the travels of Christopher Columbus. So yes, like myself I'm sure many of you caught onto that, considering in grade school we were all taught "In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue". Without a vast availability of scholarly evidence, Scott, like most directors in Hollywood gives us his perspective of what he believed happened.

Posted here is a trailer for the movie. After watching it you get the sense that this is possibly fashioned after Baz Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet. The music is that of the 1990s, yet the clothing and all the rituals are that of the 1400s. Once the film starts the opening credits began to raise my eyebrow. Opposite of the trailer the music is very dark and ominous. I believe it was a great way to evoke the feelings of fear and worry. Also, having a red screen it leads you to believe there could be part of anger and aggression displayed by the characters.

I was quickly able to see that Columbus was a very passionate and ambitious individual, but was in for a surprise at just how far he would go to be granted permission to sail West. For I see him as a hero and at times a victim. Overall I believe it is safe to say that Columbus is portrayed as very sympathetic. Unlike those of the upper hierarchy, our dear Columbus isn't motivated by the wealth (gold) to be found in the "New World". He has a real belief in what he is doing and wants to spark trade in Asia. He no longer wants to be an outsider, yet this proves to be a constant struggle throughout the film. Although gold doesn't motivate Columbus, he uses this to motivate other and to in some way manipulate them into believing this voyage is possible.

In beginning scenes we see Columbus sharing with his son, Fernando, his idea that due to the spherical shape of the Earth the ship disappeared. Pushing all the boundaries and wanting to break all the bonding of superstition and chicanery Columbus is determined to set sail and find a Western route to Asia. After waiting seven long years Columbus is finally called upon by the Salamonica, who he leads to believe that his voyage would take a maximum of seven weeks. Boy was he wrong! But here goes nothing. Finally he is able to get the support from Queen Isabelle de Castille, accompanied by another ship captain Columbus sets sail on his first voyage. Upon arriving it took less than a day for the first encounter of the indigenous people of today's San Salvador. Might I add they were not happy, for this was their land. And who were these strange white men and where did they come from? Now we can start to question Columbus as a leader. He was very concerned with the natives' ability to produce wealth. He began to question if they would make good slaves? After all he was there to bring back an abundance of wealth, which let us be reminded he wasn't concerned with. Now it is time to report back to Queen Isabelle de Castille. Columbus leaves behind men of his voyage to ensure productivity while he is gone.

Returning to the Queen with only little to show for his voyage, he still managed to convince her that he could do better. Therefore, Queen Isabelle granted him another voyage. Only this time he was sent with many more men at his aid. Along for the trip is Moxica. It is easy to see that Moxica is driven by the need for power and wealth. He is certainly seen as the villain of the movie. After enslaving the natives to mine gold Moxica is on a power trip! Unable to produce the correct amount of gold at the end of the work day, one of the natives has his had cut off by Moxica. Greed and Ambition are strong motivators for our friend and enemy Moxica. As shown he lived by the principal of everything has a price. Poor native, I'm sure he needed his hand.

Scott wanted viewers to see his message, reality is not always what one expects. Columbus wanted to spread the Word of God, yet in the end it was all about GOLD. For riches meant nothing to him. Columbus said: "I want to travel all over the seas. I want to get behind the weather." That does not speak to the character of a man whose sole purpose for exploration is to find multitudes of wealth. Scott also draws attention to many broad ideas such as; Fear v. Intelligence, Good v. Evil, Civilization v. Savage, Religion v. Science, and Individual v. Society. All of these play significant roles in this film. Overall I don't think it was a good "historical" film. Given the knowledge available I think it was written and produced to the best of Scott's abilities.

Popol Vuh: The Creation Myth of the Maya

Popol Vuh: The Creation Myth of the Maya was produced by Patricia Amlin in 1987. We've all heard the story "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth." According to the Mayan people before the time of Christ there is another story all together. The film is unlike any other I have seen before. With the absence of any animated characters like in Disney movies, all the images used are those of Mayan paintings and drawings that withstood the test of time. Let us ponder perhaps that this "myth" is actually the truth. Don't get me wrong I'm not an atheist, yet this story made me question all the biblical teachings I've been taught growing up. What if the account of The Popol Vuh is accurate? Was it God who created the Heavens and Earth, or was it MAGIC? Let us take a look!

We are first introduced to Heart of Sky and Heart of Earth, the creators of the world. They wanted obedient followers, therefore, they called upon the grandmother Xmucane and the grandfahter Xpiyacoc to create a race. The first creation was unsuccessful, although the Mud people were obedient to their Lords they were unable to multiple, leading to their destruction. Attempt number two was also unsuccessful. The Wooden people, unlike the Mud people, were extremely disobedient. They disrespected the Lords, abused their resources, animals were without hearts or minds. This too lead to their destruction. Parallel to the story of Noah and the Ark, there too was a great flood which wiped out all creation. The only survivors were the monkeys.
Mud People

Wooden People

Much like our knowledge of Satan, One Death, Seven Death sought to sicken and destroy everything. After hearing of a ball game on Earth the Lords of Xibalba (underworld) summoned One Hunter, Seven Hunter. Unknowingly the two walked into their own death trap. After arriving the two sat upon a platform and burned to death. Following the death of One Hunter, Seven Hunter the head of One Hunter was cut off and hung from a tree, which manifested into a tree full of fruits and gordes. This came to be known as the "forbidden" tree. Once again we encounter a parallel to The Bible in reference to "The tree of knowledge of good and evil". Just as Eve is deceived and eats from the tree, we meet Little Blood, daughter of The Lord of Xibalba does the same. One Hunter uses her to carry on his legacy. Little Blood was given the gift of life and was pregnant with the hero twins, Hunter and Jaguar Deer.

As heroes you would be under the impression that they would always do the right thing and strive to keep the peace. Stop right there, you must know that the Hero Twins, Hunter and Jaguar Deer are the complete opposite. They use trickery all the time to ensure they get their way. Instant gratification is believed to be a motivation for the brothers. They used their trickery to; eventually change their older brothers into monkeys, grow crops in order for their grandmother to feed them, and send their mother on a never ending journey to get water.

We are all aware of the saying "history repeats itself". Even in the time of the Popol Vuh this theory remains true. Like their fathers before them Hunter and Jaguar Deer discover their true calling, ball players. With the help of Rat, who revealed the calling to the twins, a new ball game is started. As before the Lords of Xibalba heard the game and wanted to have a game of their own, therefore, a summons was sent for the twins to venture to Xibalba. Unlike their fathers, the twins once again use their trickery to survive. They were able to survive all the trials of Xibabla; the hot plate, keeping their cigars and fire lit all night, the house of knives, the house of cold, house of jaguars, house of bats, and finally winning the ball game. In the end the brothers die by jumping in the fire, yet five days later, much like Jesus they come back to life since having their ashes scattered in the river. In doing so the twins become heroes after showing off their ability to die and come back to life as well as kill other things and bring them back to life. Being curious the Lords of Xibalba also wanted to experience death and be brought back to life. SERIOUSLY!!! After seeing the twins survive all the trials they actually believed Hunter and Jaguar Deer would allow this. Goes to show that even the cruelest of people can still see the good in others. Although, this was not the case. This was the ultimate defeat of Xibalba.

For anyone interested in a film that will make you question whether a myth is actually a myth, this is the film for you. It will also make you question religion, as it did myself. Of course it requires an open mind and an ability to adapt to non-traditional filming. In my opinion I believe that if having no prior knowledge of the Mayan culture, this film would have captivated me and cased me to be extremely perplexed. To find out and formulate your own opinion, Popol Vuh: The Creation Myth of the Maya is available for viewing on YouTube.